(Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc)
58-400 Kamienna Góra, ul. Papieża Jana Pawła II 11 A
phone. 75 / 645 20 30, fax 75 / 645 20 33
as the managing company of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business
(Kamiennogórska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna Małej Przedsiębiorczości)
on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated on the 15th November 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 254, item 2539 with later amendments) regarding tenders and negotiations as well as the intentions’ evaluation criteria concerning business activities to be taken by entrepreneurs within the area of the Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business
The negotiation’s aim is to choose an entrepreneur who will obtain a permit to conduct a business activity within the area of the Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business entitling to receive public assistance (“Permit”).
- The invitation is aimed at entrepreneurs who possess the legal title for the real estate located within the area of the Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business, Subzone Kamienna Góra and who intend to conduct a business activity based on the Permit.
- Taking part in the negotiations is conditioned by the following:
– purchasing from the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business S.A. the “Specification of the Essential Conditions of the Negotiation”,
– making of a written offer containing conditions of the intended enterprise within the zone. - Detailed information on the terms and conditions of the negotiations, including conditions of issuing the Permit to conduct a business activity within the area of the Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business are set down in the “Specification of the Essential Conditions of the Negotiation”.
- The “Specification of the Essential Conditions of Negotiation” can be obtained daily except, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business S.A. in Kamienna Góra from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. upon payment of 10.000 PLN (in words: ten thousand zlotys) net plus the VAT at 23 percent to the following bank account of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business No 02 1090 1942 0000 0005 1800 9564 in the Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
- Offers should include all the elements mentioned in the “Specification of the Essential Conditions of the Negotiation”.
- The business undertakings, which will be defined in offers, are subject to assessment based on the criteria defined in the “Specification of the Essential Conditions of the Negotiation”, defined in the Decree of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated on the 15th November 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 254, item 2539 with later amendments).
- The written offers should be submitted in closed envelopes at the seat of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business (the secretary’s office) in Kamienna Góra, ul. Papieża Jana II 11 A, until the 18th June, 2014 till 15:30 p.m The manner of preparing the offer is defined in the “Specification of the Essential Conditions of the Negotiation”.
- The offers will be opened by the committee in the seat of the Kamienna Gora on 23rd June, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.
- Information about the negotiations and the “Specification of the Essential Conditions of Negotiation” are issued at the seat of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business in Kamienna Góra or under the following phone number +48 75 645 20 30.
- The Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc (SSEMP S.A.) may invalidate the negotiations in the event of a material change of circumstances resulting in that the continuation of the negotiations procedure is not in the public interest, which could not have been predicted earlier or/and when the negotiations procedure has a defect which makes it impossible to issue the Permit. SSEMP S.A will inform all offerers at the same time, in writing, about invalidation of the procedure, giving the factual and legal reasons therefore.
- The content of the following invitation in Polish version is published on the website of the SSEMP S.A . at