(Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc)
58-400 Kamienna Góra, ul. Papieża Jana Pawła II 11 A
phone. 75 / 645 20 30 do 06, fax 75 / 645 20 33
e-mail:strefa@ssemp.pl www.ssemp.pl
as the managing company of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business (Kamiennogórska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna Małej Przedsiębiorczości) on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated on the 15th November 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 254, item 2539 as amended) regarding tenders and negotiations as well as the intentions’ evaluation criteria concerning business activities to be taken by entrepreneurs within the area of the Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business, on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of Economy dated July 2nd 2009 on entrusting the SSEMP S.A with granting permits for on economic activity and executing supervision over business activities in the Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone
aimed at selecting an entrepreneur who will receive the permission to conduct a business activity within the territory of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business shall obtain the ownership rights to the property described below in point 2 where the business activities will be conducted (Property)
1.The tender is solely opened to the entrepreneurs who intend to conduct their business activities within Kamienna Gora Economic Zone for Medium Business based on the Permit, fulfilling requirements laid by the law dated 20 October 1994 regarding special economic zones (consolidated text of 2007 published in the Journal of Laws No 42, position 274 with further amendments), by the ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated 15. December 2008 regarding Kamienna Gora special economic zone (Journal of Laws No 232, position 1549 with further amendments) and by the ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated 10. December 2008 regarding public aids given to the entrepreneurs conducting their business activity on the basic of the permit to conduct business within the areas of special economic zones (Journal of Laws No 232, position 1548 with further amendments).
2.The estate to be tendered includes a right of permanent user of not developed real estate with the total surface area of 11 047 m2 located in Ostrów Wielkopolski, wielkopolskie voivodship, Ostrów Wielkopolski district, 0123 boundary consisting of not developed plots No 1/67 and 1/68 covered by the Land and Mortgage Register KZ1W/00080061/7 kept by the District Court in Ostrów Wielkopolski. The real estate, which is the subject to the tender procedure, is owned by the State Treasury, in the permanent use of the Commune of Ostrów Wielkopolski and is free from any encumbrances and obligations for third persons. The right of permanent user will be sold by tender pursuant to the law dated 21 August 1997 regarding the property management (Journal of Laws 2010 No 102, position 651 with further amendments).
3.Initial price for the Real Property is specified in amount of 549.000,00 PLN (say: five hundred forty nine thousand zlotys ). This is a net price.
4. Bidding – 1% of the initial price – which is: 5.490,00 PLN
5. The condition to participate in the tender is purchase of the “Specification of material terms and conditions of joint tender” (“Specification”) and payment of the tender deposit.
6.The tender deposit in money amounts 10% of the initial net price for the Real Property, i.e. 54.900,00 PLN (say: fifty four thousand nine hundred zlotys), paid by March 11th, 2013 to the bank account of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business.
7.The Specification which contains the detailed terms and conditions of the tender, is available everyday, except for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 745 a.m. to 300 p.m. at the seat of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business, upon payment of PLN 10,000.00 PLN net (say: ten thousand zlotys net) plus 23% VAT to the following bank account nr 02109 0194 0000 0005 1800 9564 in BZ WBK S.A Additional terms and conditions of tender are not anticipated, except for those defined in the present invitation and in the Specification.
8. Since January 1st 2004 Commune of the City Ostrów Wielkopolski has not a valid local land-use plan, for the area within the area of the real estate. According to the Study of conditions and directions of land use adopted as a Resolution No XIV/269/2000 of the Commune of City Ostrów Wielkopolski dated on February 24th 2000, the real estate is located in the area marked with the symbol P for which basic destination is described as production and services area.
9. Any economic endeavours to be taken within Kamienna Gora Special Economic Zone and described in the tender offers are to be apprised pursuant to section 11 of the ordinance of the Minister of Economics and Labour dated 15 November 2004 regarding tenders and negotiations and the appraisal criteria of the intentions regarding the economic endeavours that are to be undertaken within the area of Kamienna Gora Special Economic Zone (Journal of Laws No 254, position 2539 with further amendments)
10.The written offers should be submitted in closed envelope at the seat of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business (the secretary’s office) in Kamienna Góra, ul. Papieża Jana II 11 A, until the March 11th 2013 , till 3:00 p.m.: the manner of preparing the offer is defined in the Specification.
11. The offers will be opened by the committee in the seat of the Kamienna Gora on March 18 2013 at 12:00 a.m.
12. In case the business entity chosen during the tender evades concluding conditional sale agreement or agreement which transfers the ownership of the Real Property, the tender deposit will not be returned.
13.The Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc. (SSEMP S.A) or the President of the Ostrów Wielkopolski City may close the tender without choosing of any offer or they may cancel the announced tender only in case of some important reasons; in this case proper information will be given to the public information with indication of the reason of tender’s cancellation.
14. The Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc. (SSEMP S.A) may invalidate the tender procedure in the event of a material change of circumstances resulting in that the continuation of the tender procedure is not in the public interest, which could not have been predicted earlier or/and when the tender procedure has a defect which makes it impossible to issue the Permit. The Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc. (SSEMP S.A)will inform all tenderers at the same time, in writing, about invalidation of the procedure, giving the factual and legal reasons thereof.
15. Regarding the right of permanent user of R\real Property the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc. (SSEMP S.A) has a pre-emption right, according to article 8 item 2 of the special economic zones Act dated October 20th, 1994 (uniform text 2007, Journal of Laws No. 42, Item 274). The pre-emption right can be executed within one month from the date of notification about concluding of the conditional sale agreement.
16.The persons who are described in article 34 item 1 of the Act dated August 21st, 1997 on administration of real properties (uniform text of year 2010, Journal of Laws No. 102, Item 651) have priority right for purchase of the Real Property based on article 34 item 1 point 1 and point 2 of this Act, under condition they submitted application in this matter till 6 weeks up giving to the public information the notice of up to January 7th, 2013.
17. The content of the following invitation in Polish version is published on the website of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc. (SSEMP S.A.).: www.ssemp.pl