(Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc)
with its registered seat in Kamienna Góra
58-400 Kamienna Góra ul. Papieża Jana Pawła II 11 a
tel.: (+48 75) 645 20 30, fax: (+48 75) 645 20 33
in order to select an entrepreneur who will obtain a permit to conduct business within the area of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business entitling to receive public assistance („Permit”) and shall obtain the ownership rights to the property described below in point 2 where the business activities will be conducted (Property).
- The tender can be participated only by the business entities which intend to conduct a business activity within the area of the Kamienna Gora Economic Zone for Medium Business based on the Permit, satisfying the terms and conditions set down in the law dated 20 October 1994 regarding special economic zones (consolidated text of 2015 published in the Journal of Laws position 282), in the ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated December 10th 2008 on public aid which is granted to the entrepreneurs operating based on the permit for conducting the business activity within the area of special economic zones (consolidated text of 2015 published in the Journal of Laws position 465).
- Subject of the tender is the right of perpetual usufruct right to the 6,6855 ha landed property – owned by the State Treasury in perpetual usufruct SSEMP S.A. with its registered seat in Kamienna Góra and comprises of plots No 82/4 and the area of 3,9326 ha, No 87 and the area of 2,2533 ha, No 91 and the area of 0,4996 ha, located in the province of Lower Silesia, in the town of Jawor, area 6 Przemysłowy – the land register (Ksiega Wieczysta) No LE1J/00006709/3. The property is located within the area of Kamienna Gora Special Economic Zone. The property is undeveloped.
- The calling price has been set at PLN 1.600.000,00. This is a net price and the VAT should be added to it(at the rate valid on the day of legal action).
- Taking part in the tender is conditioned by the following
– purchasing from the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC the „Specification of the essential conditions of the joint tender” („Specification”),
– paying the deposit,
– making of a written offer containing conditions of the intended enterprise within the zone. - The pecuniary value of the deposit amounts to 10 percent of the net calling price i.e. 160.000,00 PLN and is payable not later than 18.12.2015 to the bank account of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business. The details concerning the amount, the form, the term of the deposit payment as well as the circumstances of its forfeit are defined within the „Specification of the essential conditions of the joint tender”.
- The Specification that gives detailed conditions of the tender can be obtained daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC in Kamienna Gora from 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on payment the amount of PLN 10.000,00 (say: ten thousand zlotys) net plus the VAT (at the rate valid on the day of legal action)- to the bank account of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Size Business No 02 1090 1942 0000 0005 1800 9564 at BZ WBK S.A. Kamienna Góra Branch. No additional tender conditions besides those described in the hereto invitation to tender and in the Specification has been envisaged.
- According to local spatial development plan (Resolution of the City Council in Jawor No XXIX/226/01 from 31.01.2001) concerning changes of local spatial development plans in the area of Jawor – Wrocławska and Wiejska street- the objective plots has been designated with symbol „P” – production, warehouses, storage area.
- The evaluation of the business enterprise presented in the offer will be conducted on the basis of the criteria in accordance with the „Specification of the essential conditions of the joint tender” and the Decree of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated on the 15th November 2004 regarding tendering procedures, negotiations and evaluation criteria of economic projects to be undertaken by businessmen within the area of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business (Journal of Laws No. 254, item 2539 with further amendments).
- Written tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC (at the Secretary’s Office) not later than on 18.12.2015 until 3:00 p.m. The tendering procedure has been set in the Specification.
- The opening of the tenders is going to take place at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business on 21.12.2015 at 12:00 noon.
- In case the winning entrepreneur refrains from entering into a sake purchase agreement, the deposit shall not be returned.
- The Management of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business can declare the tender null and void in case when there has been a substantial change in circumstances that do not allow to proceed due to public interest that could not have been envisaged earlier or in case when the procedure has been encumbered with a fault not permitting the issuance of the Permit or enter into sale and purchase agreement for the said Property. All the parties shall be notified in writing by the Management regarding the cancellation of the tender giving factual and legal justification.
- Prior to the tender participant is obligated to get acquainted with the subject of the tender.
- The purchaser acquires the real estate as it is.
- In case of a need to show borders the purchaser will agree on conditions with land surveyor (chosen by the buyer). The purchaser will be responsible for the cost of showing of the borders.
- The content of the following invitation in Polish version has been published on the website of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC (SSEMP S.A.).: www.ssemp.pl*
*In case of divergence between th