(Special Economic Zone for Medium Business Inc)
with its registered seat in Kamienna Góra
58-400 Kamienna Góra, ul. Papieża Jana Pawła II 11 a
tel.: (+48 75) 645 20 30, fax: (+48 75) 645 20 33
- The tender be participated only by the business entities which intend to conduct a business activity within the area of the Kamienna Gora Economic Zone for Medium Business based on the Permit, satisfying the terms and conditions set down in the law dated 20 October 1994 regarding special economic zones (consolidated text of 2015 published in the Journal of Laws position 282), in the ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated December 10th 2008 on public aid which is granted to the entrepreneurs operating based on the permit for conducting the business activity within the area of special economic zones (consolidated text of 2015 published in the Journal of Laws position 465) and in „Concept of development of special economic zones” document adopted on January 27, 2009 by The Council of Ministers.
- Subject of the tender is an ownership right to the 22,6851 ha landed property – owned by Nowogrodziec Municipality and comprises of plots No 1026/5 and the area of 0,6851 ha, No 1026/13 and the area of 0,4848 ha, No 1026/17 and the area of 7,1256 ha, No 1026/14 and the area of 0,7667 ha, No 1026/15 and the area of 11,1596 ha, No 1026/16 and the area of 2,4633 ha, area Wykroty – the land register (Ksiega Wieczysta) No JG1B/00021784/2. The property is located 1 km from the A4 highway exit in Godzieszów and 17 km from the border with Germany in Jędrzychowice and within the area of Kamienna Gora Special Economic Zone. The property is undeveloped.
- The calling price for the Property has been set at PLN 9.209.020,00 PLN gross. This is a gross price with the VAT (at the rate valid on the day of legal action).
Minimum for the tender bidding amounts to: 1 percent over the calling price rounded up to a full zloty, i.e. 92.090,00 PLN gross.
The ownership rights will be sold by tender pursuant to the law dated 21 August 1997 regarding the property management (consolidated text Journal of Laws 2015, Item 782 with further amendments).
The rights to the property are unencumbered and free of any rights and obligations in favour of any third parties.
In case the existing plant collides with the planned implementation of an investment programme, the buyer will be obliged to reroute it at its own cost and endeavour having previously obtained agreements from branch units and the owner of the sewers. - Taking part in the tender is conditioned by the following:
– purchasing from the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC the “Specification of the essential conditions of the joint tender” (“Specification”),
– paying the deposit,
– making of a written offer containing conditions of the intended enterprise within the zone. - The pecuniary value of the deposit amounts 750.000,00 PLN and is payable not later than 25.01.2016 to the bank account of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business. The details concerning the amount, the form, the term of the deposit payment as well as the circumstances of its forfeit are defined within the “Specification of the essential conditions of the joint tender”.
- The Specifications that gives detailed conditions of the tender can be obtained daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC in Kamienna Gora from 8:00 a.m. to 15:30 p.m. on payment the amount of PLN 10,000.00 (say: ten thousand zlotys) net plus the VAT (at the rate valid on the day of legal action)– to the bank account of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Size Business No 02 1090 1942 0000 0005 1800 9564 at BZ WBK S.A. Kamienna Góra Branch. No additional tender conditions besides those described in the hereto invitation to tender and in the Specification has been envisaged.
- According to local spatial development plan (Resolution of the City Council in Nowogrodziec No VII/70/99 from 16.06.1999) concerning changes of local spatial development plans in the area of Wykroty and opened areas of Nowogrodziec Commune– the objective plot has been designated with symbol “SGA 03 P/S,U” – production objects, warehouses, storage area.
- The evaluation of the business enterprise presented in the offer will be conducted on the basis of the criteria in accordance with the “Specification of the essential conditions of the joint tender” and the Decree of the Minister of Economy and Labour dated on the 15th November 2004 regarding tendering procedures, negotiations and evaluation criteria of economic projects to be undertaken by businessmen within the area of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business (Journal of Laws No. 254, item 2539 with further amendments).
- Written tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC (at the Secretary’s Office) not later than on 25.01.2016 until 3:00 p.m. The tendering procedure has been set in the Specification.
- The opening of the tenders is going to take place at the head offices of Special Economic Zone for Medium Business on 29.01.2016 at 12:00 noon.
- In case the winning entrepreneur refrains from entering into a sake purchase agreement, the deposit shall not be returned.
- Either the Management of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business or the Mayor of the Nowogrodziec Commune can cancel the tender not choosing any offers or declare the tender null and void in case of serious reasons to do so. In such a case an appropriate information will be issued to public giving the reason for the tender for having cancelled the tender. In such a case the deposit shall be returned.
- The Management of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business can declare the tender null and void in case when there has been a substantial change in circumstances that do not allow to proceed due to public interest that could not have been envisaged earlier or in case when the procedure has been encumbered with a fault not permitting the issuance of the Permit or enter into sale and purchase agreement for the said Property. All the parties shall be notified in writing by the Management regarding the cancellation of the tender giving factual and legal justification.
- Regarding the Property, the pre-emption rights regarding the property ownership rights belongs to: Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC – pursuant to article 8 section 2 of the law dated 20 October 1994 regarding the special economic zones (consolidated text of 2007 Journal of Laws No 42, position 274 with further amendments). The pre-emption rights can by only executed within one month from the day of notification regarding the preliminary sale – purchase agreement to the ownership rights to the Property.
- Within a 6-week date established by the announcement made by the Mayor of the Nowogrodziec Commune regarding the list of the properties put on sale that pertain to the said announcement, no applications have been received from any person who has the pre-emption rights to purchase such a Property pursuant to article 34, section 1 point 1 and 2 of the law regarding the property management (consolidated text of 2010, Journal of Laws No 102, Item 651 with further amendments).
- Prior to the tender participant is obligated to get acquainted with the subject of the tender.
- The purchaser acquires the real estate as is.
- The price of the real estate does not include showing of the borders updates. In case of a need to show borders the purchaser will agree on conditions with land surveyor (chosen by the buyer). The purchaser will be responsible for the cost of showing of the borders.
- The content of the following invitation in Polish version has been published on the website of the Special Economic Zone for Medium Business PLC (SSEMP S.A.).: www.ssemp.pl